Well, on to better things. I did get a few things done for WWW. So here they are.
I used this box at Christmas time to hold gingerbread men. It has a ginger label on the other side. But I wanted to keep using it so I found another label for the other side. I love sheep so I thought this would be cute. I really like it!
I finally got my bread box painted, that matches my canisters. I just love how it looks and it is huge! It holds a lot of goodies!
I found this rocking chair at the local Salvation Army store on an outing with Ellen and it was just the funniest thing trying to get it to fit in my Honda! One lady walked by laughing and said "Been there done that!" We could not stop laughing! But, I got it in and I just love it! It was only 15.00.....for oak? Yes! A great buy! I really like it painted black.

Those are my projects for now. If you want to see more go on over and see Leslie at My Country Home.
On a personal note, I want to thank Donna for stopping by my blog! Mom really misses having you and Harold for neighbors! I'm glad to hear things are good and look forward to hearing more from you! You never know who your gonna run into on Blogger! I love it!
Well, that's all I got for you today! I am working on some stitcheries and hope to be able to finish them soon. Thanks for sticking with me and I will try to get on here more often! You girls are the best and I love each and everyone of you! Big Hugs! ~Beth~