Good Wednesday morning everyone! Well, it's Wednesday so it must be time to let you know what I have been doing. Last week I posted pics of 2 piggies that the hubby made and a set of canisters that I had purchased from Ebay. Got the piggies done but the canisters still need to be coated with a bit of wax.
My first picture is of my sink area. You might see that it looks a little bit different. I found these tile looking thingys at Lowes and while they were a bit pricey, about 13 or 14 dollars a piece, I just loved them! It gives a totally new look to this area and I think it is very prim looking! I know the electrical covers definately do not look prim, but I have to find those tin looking ones. If anybody has a source, let me know, please.

Here is my big piggie all painted and primmed up! I love him! (Thanks hubby!)

I also found the vintage labels on Ebay that Rondell over at
Tomatoe Creek Prims has been using and posting about. Check her out, she always has some wonderful ideas! So, these are the jars I decided to keep and see what I could come up with. The big one is a saurkraut jar, left over from New Years Day dinner. And the other one is a sliced mushroom jar.

Here is the mushroom jar. I decided to use one of the nutmeg labels on it, because it just seemed to be the perfect size!

If you look on top of the toaster cover, which Len also made me for Christmas, you can see the larger jar. I found a coffee label in the collection so I put it on there and it holds the coffee that I use for crafting. (grunging) Sitting to the left is a cutting board I got at Goodwill for .49 and the smaller piggie that Len made. I painted the cutting board a barn red and distressed it and then I stained it. I put another one of the labels on the pig.

These are the jars we keep our Q-tips, razors and cotton pads in. They had Keepers of the Light candles, which you can find
here in them. I always buy mine from my local prim shops, but at least you can look at them on their website. When the candle is all gone I clean them out and re-use them because they are the nicest jars.

And here they are after......yep, more labels! They are my new addiction! LOL! They are just so easy to work with. I just use ModPodge to apply them and they just look really prim.

Well girls that's all I've got for now! I may be able to post a pic of my canisters and the bread box Thursday or Friday. I'll try.
I just want to take a moment to say how proud I am of all you girls that are taking on your weight issues and working so hard! Janene, whom I have become especially close with, I just want you to know that you are doing really well! Keep it up girl! And Ellen, my niece and best prim shopping friend, you have done it before and I know you will get back on that path and be successful again!
To all of you that are struggling with this monster, and I am one of you, I am so proud of the way you are just trying so hard and giving it your best! I am behind each and every one of you 100%! You go girls!
Go on over to Leslie's blog
My Country Home and check out what everyone has been doing and have a great day! Big Hugs! ~Beth~