My first picture is of my sink area. You might see that it looks a little bit different. I found these tile looking thingys at Lowes and while they were a bit pricey, about 13 or 14 dollars a piece, I just loved them! It gives a totally new look to this area and I think it is very prim looking! I know the electrical covers definately do not look prim, but I have to find those tin looking ones. If anybody has a source, let me know, please.

Here is my big piggie all painted and primmed up! I love him! (Thanks hubby!)
I also found the vintage labels on Ebay that Rondell over at Tomatoe Creek Prims has been using and posting about. Check her out, she always has some wonderful ideas! So, these are the jars I decided to keep and see what I could come up with. The big one is a saurkraut jar, left over from New Years Day dinner. And the other one is a sliced mushroom jar.

Here is the mushroom jar. I decided to use one of the nutmeg labels on it, because it just seemed to be the perfect size!
If you look on top of the toaster cover, which Len also made me for Christmas, you can see the larger jar. I found a coffee label in the collection so I put it on there and it holds the coffee that I use for crafting. (grunging) Sitting to the left is a cutting board I got at Goodwill for .49 and the smaller piggie that Len made. I painted the cutting board a barn red and distressed it and then I stained it. I put another one of the labels on the pig.
These are the jars we keep our Q-tips, razors and cotton pads in. They had Keepers of the Light candles, which you can find here in them. I always buy mine from my local prim shops, but at least you can look at them on their website. When the candle is all gone I clean them out and re-use them because they are the nicest jars.
And here they are after......yep, more labels! They are my new addiction! LOL! They are just so easy to work with. I just use ModPodge to apply them and they just look really prim.
Well girls that's all I've got for now! I may be able to post a pic of my canisters and the bread box Thursday or Friday. I'll try.
I just want to take a moment to say how proud I am of all you girls that are taking on your weight issues and working so hard! Janene, whom I have become especially close with, I just want you to know that you are doing really well! Keep it up girl! And Ellen, my niece and best prim shopping friend, you have done it before and I know you will get back on that path and be successful again!
To all of you that are struggling with this monster, and I am one of you, I am so proud of the way you are just trying so hard and giving it your best! I am behind each and every one of you 100%! You go girls!
Go on over to Leslie's blog My Country Home and check out what everyone has been doing and have a great day! Big Hugs! ~Beth~
Wow, Beth! I love everything that you have done. I love the piggies & toaster cover your hubby made. Simon made me a toaster cover also that I will post when I'm done painting. (I'm taking a short break). Anyway, I ordered those labels, too, after seeing Rondell's. They should be here today or tomorrow.
I'm in support of all the girls that are changing their eating habits. Have a wonderful day.
Your piggies and your cansiters look great. I need to get me some of those labels. Thanks for sharing!!
loving everything you've done~i have some of the labels, but they're Christmas ones i'm gonna use this year on some crafts~everything looks great!!!
I miss you Beth! Where have you been?
I am so in love with your kitchen! I want my FIL to make me one of those toaster covers too, to go with my mixer cover.
I love your not like that!...but for making all of those wonderful things for you!
I am gonna have to get my hands on some of those labels! I have to go back to Rondell's to get the info.
Hope to talk to you soon!
Aunt Beth ~ first off I want to say "Thank you!" so much for your support. You'll never know how much that means to me. Especially coming from someone who understands me the way you do;-))
Now on to those piggies ~ OH MY GOSH! Those turned out so good! You have this painting and distressing down to a science. -GIGGLE~SNORT- that Lard label is to cute on the little pig. So um yes I do want mime done in the same way as yours ~Please & Thank You~
Uncle Len sure did a great job with all those little wooden treasures for you. I'm gonna have to make him a list:-)
I guess since it's snowing again ~ I'll get busy baking and maybe I'll sneak in some sewing tonight. I've got to get on those prim Valentines. It will be over before I get to it...LoL.
Hi Beth,
Those jars look go neat...I love them and I think you got different ones than me, I'm going to order more too especially for next Christmas! I know Corrie and Michele would love them:)
I love the "tin" in your kitchen so very neat and prim:)
Yes, I'm on the weight loss thingy and losing just 15lbs is just as hard as losing 50 especially at my age but we won't go there:)
Have a great day and I really enjoyed your post!
Hi Beth!
I LOVE your new look in the Kitchen!! We were thinkin of that too...if we ever get around to doin the kitchen!!
Your piggies are too cute-great job! Love that toaster cover...crafted and finnished so prim-perfect!
I have been wanting to get some of those labels ever since I saw Rondells jars!
Now I see yours and they look so great I will have to order some for sure! If she has any left...looks like we all want some---I hope she has plenty to go around! :)
Have a great day!
Beth, my name is Cam and I love your blog. I have to have those labels. I love your toaster cover I have never seem any before could you share on how to make one maybe my husband would be nice enough to make me one if he knew how. Thanks for sharing, Cam
Cam,you can email me at so I can answer your questions. ~Beth~
Everything looks great! Good job :)
Are you looking for punched tin covers? They have them in The Country Store catalog (They have a website, too) and I'm sure other places. ebay should have something. Or you could just get stainless or some type of metal ones.
Have a great day :)
I'm loving those glass jars in your bathroom, great job!
The glass jars are gorgeous! I can't believe those labels! WOW!
that's a great idea - to clean out the candle jar when it is empty. Boy I feel stupid - I've just thrown the nice jar away.
I totally LOVE the labels BEth! They look fantastic on those jars! I want to go get jars and labels now too...hehe! ;)
And I love those tin pieces in your kitchen! I wanted to do something similar on the ceiling of one of my rooms in my home. Is it pretty pricey?
Love all the new jars and how they made your kitchen look even more Prim!! I have seen tin outlet covers in country stores so they do make them. Of ocurse i can't think of exactly where now that someone wants them!!
I LOVE how everything looks from the tiles to the jars. Great Job!
I really like your pig cutting boards...I remember those when I was young and they are not easy to find around here...
Just found your it! Sooo, are you from Ohio? Do you like living there? We visited a friend who lives near Holmes county and I thought it was beautiful.
I buy those same candles and always throw away the jar! I will be saving them now! Thanks so much for the wonderful idea!
Those tin squares looks so neat! I love it!
I do the same thing with the Keepers of the Light jars. I'll have to get me some labels for them.
I love how the piggies turned out, and the toaster cover is just awesome!
Great job Beth!
Love the toaster cover you have! Now the wheels are turning... I am going to have to see if I can come up with something as cute and clever to cover up my Kitchen Aid mixer. Thanks for the idea!
Beth I love it all!! Those pig boards came out great along with the jars!!! I might just have to get me some of those!!:0) Take care!~Wendy
Beth I love it all!! Those pig boards came out great along with the jars!!! I might just have to get me some of those!!:0) Take care!~Wendy
Hi Beth,
I have the same tin back splash that you do, but in a different color. Do you have a Home Depot near you...they carried the tin sheets that are made to go with these tin back splash panels and you use your light plates to draw on the tin sheets to make your our light plate covers. In our area we have a Menards, Lowes, and Home Depot...all of them carry the panels, but only Home Depot has the sheets to make light plate covers.
I have the same candle jars...I have everything from buttons to dog treats in mine. Love them!!
Hi Beth:
I love the pig board!! And the labels on the jars is a wonderful idea! Where did you get the labels and how did you clean out the Keeper of the Light jars?? I'm a member in the Candle of the month club so I have TONS of them!!!
Take care,
Beth~ Everything looks great!! I LOVE all of the jars and labels and the black prim cupboard on your kitchen counter...LOVE LOVE!And the little piggy...too cute! Your blog is wonderful! I will be checking back! =) Thank you for visiting my blog too! Take care! ~Sarah~
Hi Beth! Love your jars and labels and those piggies! Your hubby did a great job on them and the toaster cover. Here's a source for the switchplates. I think this is where I got mine but it's been a few years so I'm not real sure.
Country Store of Geneva has them too.
Love your blog!
Beth, your Prim*Cottage is very beautiful and cosy! There pleases everything, each jar, a spoon, each subject! Beauty!
Hi Beth:
Thanks for signing to follow my blog.
I have loved allllll your wood crafts..especially your black rocking chair. Boy, what a deal on that even if you did have to struggle to get it in your small car.. I've done that but I always find a way if I want it badly enogh.
Come visit anytime at Stitchins House of Prims
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